K-Beauty Made Simple: The 7 Layer Skincare Method

K-Beauty Made Simple: The 7 Layer Skincare Method

Skincare can sometimes have an emphasis on heavy creams and serums that sit on the
skin, clogging pores and doing more harm than good. Enter the 7 layer skincare method: a
super simple Korean skincare routine that gives you healthy, moisturised skin without
using any creams or multiple expensive products.
What is the 7 layer skincare method?
Ditch your old cleanser and thick moisturisers for this gentle yet effective Korean beauty
routine. The 7 layer skincare method, sometimes known as the 7 skin method, is a way of
cleansing and hydrating your skin using just a toner.
Here’s how it works: shake some toner onto a cotton pad and cleanse your face as you
normally would. Then, while your face is still slightly damp, pour a small amount of toner
onto your hands and press it into your skin. Repeat this 7 times, and that’s the 7 layer
skincare method!
By repeating this process, you’ll encourage your skin to absorb the moisturising properties
found inside the toner deep into the multiple layers of your skin, offering a healthy and
hydrated glow.
Who can use the 7 layer skincare method?
In one word, anyone! However, some people can benefit from the 7 layer skincare method
more than others.
Have hormonal or acne-prone skin? This iconic Korean skincare method is known to avoid
the use of thick moisturisers and creams that often clog pores, as the toner is lightweight
and readily absorbed on the skin.

Some types of skincare for hormonal acne advocate for many specialist products - but not
this one The thin layering process of the 7 layer skincare method is wonderfully light, and is
less likely to irritate your skin.
If you want to adopt a simple Korean skincare routine without breaking the bank, then we
have no doubt that you’ll swear by this 7 layer skincare method. The best part? You can
achieve stunning results with just one product - so grab your toner and start splashing!

Do you have to do 7 layers?
For a so-called simple Korean skincare routine, 7 layers can seem like far too many.
However, you don’t have to kick off with 7 layers of toner straight away! If you’re looking
for skincare for hormonal acne or oily skin, you may not need the whole 7 layers of this
method. Instead, start at 3, and see how your skin likes it.
The opposite goes for if you have dry skin - 7 layers might not be enough. If you start at 7
layers but your skin still feels too dry, add a couple of more and see how your skin reacts.

The beauty of this simple Korean skincare routine is how effective it is without the need for
specialist equipment or expensive products. Especially effective as a gentle skincare
routine for hormonal acne or dry, sensitive skin, give it a go and prepare to be amazed by
the results!