How PCOS effect our skin?

How PCOS effect our skin?

In PCOS your body starts producing more male hormone (androgens) than required because of
which certain changes start happening in your body.
 Irregular periods
 Infertility
 Skin issues
The skin signs are acne, oily skin, excessive hair and male pattern baldness. So you can have
excess hair, but conversely, you can have hair loss. And the other things like black patches, or
macule around the armpits neck, under the breast area, and finally skin tags.

How your gut can affect PCOS?

Gut health plays an important role in both the risk of developing, and to the management
of poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Women with PCOS have been found to have less bacterial
diversity than women without the condition. An unbalanced gut micro biota can cause insulin
resistance, high levels of androgen hormones, chronic inflammation and increase weight gain,
meaning that poor gut health can exacerbate PCOS symptoms.

How to improve your gut health?

 Increase your fiber intake (To optimize your gut health at least 25 grams of fiber is
necessary each day.)
 Consume insulin daily (Insulin is a probiotic aids good bacteria to flourish, daily insulin
intake improved bacterial diversity and significantly recovered PCOS symptoms.)

 Reduce bad saturated fats (Saturated fats from fried foods, biscuits and pastries, have
been shown to cause dysbiosis (a change in gut micro biota) and by reducing the number
of good bacteria and increasing the number of bad bacteria in the gut)

Does a cold pressed juice help gut health and reduce PCOS symptoms?

Cold pressed juice is best detoxifier enriched with fibers, vitamins, enzymes and
immunity boosters. It encourages good bacteria to flourish and suppressed bad bacteria in your
body. By sticking to just cold-pressed juices for a determined period of time, you are able to give
your digestive system a break and allow for a total reboot of your body. Through participating in
a juice cleanse, your body will be able to release all the toxins it has been holding in and heal by
itself. In return, you will feel more energized, clear-minded, less bloated, and your skin will be
glowing. It supports repairing leaky gut tissue, balancing gut bacteria, improving digestive
enzymes and eliminating pathogenic bacteria, are all important steps to reduce overall

What does your everyday skincare gut health routine look like?

I have a tea bag contain 28 satchels with herbs and cold press juice. It really helps in
keeping your system alkaline. I drink a lot of water and use different ways to keep you hydrated
with coconut or infused water. They clean you from inside and keep your system alkaline, which
shows on your face as well. Regular use of herbs and cold press juice help me heal from PCOS
and other related symptoms of fatigue, stress and lower mood. It has improved not only my
physical health but also boost my mental health eventually.